5 Ways to Increase Email Marketing Conversion Rates

Having an email database of customers is an incredibly valuable resource for any business. So much communication is done through email now, making it an inexpensive, fast and easy way to get a message through to interested people. The effectiveness of each email message, however, is all dependent on how well you’re able to convert those sent messages to clicks and buys.

Increase Email Marketing Conversion Rates

There are some important details that cannot be overlooked when you’re composing and sending out email marketing campaigns. Making an error in any of these areas could mean you’ll be seeing a much lower conversion rate than you would have otherwise had. Increase your email marketing conversion rates quickly, simply by following these five tips.

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3 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know

The Internet evolves very fast. If you want to keep growing your website or your online business, you need to keep your radar on for the latest marketing trends. Below you will find three digital marketing trends you absolutely need to know, and how you can leverage them to attract more visitors and customers.

Digital Marketing Trends

1. Retargeting

The cost of convincing an Internet user to return to your website, after he has visited it at least once, is much lower than convincing an Internet visitor to visit your website for the first time. This fact gave origin to a strategy called retargeting. The basic idea is to create advertising campaigns that only target visitors who have already visited your website. Advertising networks know this based on Internet cookies that are placed on their browsers.

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16 Practical Restaurant Marketing Strategies to Drive More Customers to Your Restaurant in 2019 (Bonus Tip Added)

Get more customers to your restaurant
In 1995, less than 1% of the world population had an internet connection. Today, over 3.6 billion people use the internet. That’s more than 40% of the world population.

A huge chunk of this online population search for and find restaurants online. They look up menus, compare prices, go through reviews before going over to a restaurant or ordering food from there.

As per a 2016 Adweek survey, 25% of people have at least one restaurant app on their phone. As per another survey, 85% of those who search for food on their mobile phones go on to complete a purchase.

But they don’t stop at merely having discovered a restaurant that they might like, or after making a purchase.

Modern, tech-empowered consumers click pictures of the food that they have been served, go online to post their reviews, and share their experiences on social media—which in turn could enhance footfalls at your restaurants or dissuade people from further visiting your establishment.

The thing is whether you are online or not, your customers are. Talks veer around your restaurant, its ambiance, the food you serve, the service you offer, and more.

Look at the infographic below, these stats have been compiled from Toast’s Industry Report and Restaurant.org’s data:

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Creating an ‘About Us’ page? 9 components you might want to include.

About Page

Your About Me/About page is the face of your brand. Besides the homepage, it’s arguably the second most visited page on your site. This is because people want to see the human side of your business and connect with what your company does. Building this relationship is critical to keep people engaged.

Browse the About pages of your favourite sites and consider how you feel about them. Are they inviting? Do they seem casual yet professional? Effective About pages balance the formal and informal to create a humanistic and relatable page. Let your personality shine by looking at these nine styles and real-world examples to help get you started.

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SEOs Vs Web Developers: Why You Need Both?

seo vs web developer

Let’s talk about it. SEOs vs Web Developers. Clients often think SEOs or search engine optimization specialists and web developers are one and the same, and it’s not a completely ridiculous assumption. Good SEOs do provide a lot of recommendations that do apply directly to the web development team. However, most on-site SEO strategies cannot be executed without a web developer to implement the necessary changes.

The SEOs vs Web developers debate has been going on for quite some time but, in reality, you can’t expect your SEO to be a top notch developer who can implement every individual recommendation they make. And on top of that, it will take a significant amount of time for them to become comfortable enough to make any changes on your site without causing any damage.

At most development companies, it will be months before new employees are even allowed to really dig into the software. So how can you expect your brand new SEO team to just jump right in there and make all of the changes they’d like?

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67 key stats on how online user reviews can influence purchasing behavior

In a recent report published by WebsiteBuilder.org, it was determined that for every additional star in rating that a business gets, their sales revenues are bound to increase by approximately 5-9%. On the other side of the spectrum, studies have shown that around 22% of consumers will not purchase a product in case they have read a negative review about it, thus showing the strong influence that online user reviews can have on purchasing behavior.

There are some interesting stats about the impact of online user reviews outlined in the infographic below. More than 67 data points have been researched and published in the infographic.

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6 SMS Marketing Best Practices for 2017

Where’s your phone right now? Do you know?

Of course, you do. If you’re like 91% of adults in America, you keep your mobile phone within reach at all times. That’s why Short Message Service (SMS) marketing is so incredibly useful. Your audience is literally within arm’s reach at any given moment.

That’s what makes SMS marketing one of our favorite tools at Performance Marketer.

It’s predicted that, in 2017, more than 4.7 billion people will have a cell phone. With 2/3 of the world’s population carrying around a mobile device, you can’t afford to neglect SMS marketing’s tremendous potential to impact your business.

As with any other marketing channel, SMS has its cautions and limitations. For one thing, it’s heavily regulated. You can land yourself in some serious trouble if you step out of line. Nevertheless, the benefits of SMS are far too great to continue sitting on the sidelines.

With that said, keep reading to learn all about how you can add this under-utilized marketing channel to your current slate of campaigns.

SMS Marketing infographic
1. Make Sure Your SMS Messages are High Value

Text messaging is an incredibly personal medium. We only give our cell numbers out to a limited circle of people. Even then, we expect only a small number of those people to text us.

That means, at a minimum, you need to know exactly who your audience is and what they expect from your text messaging. An unwanted and/or irrelevant text message from you can be about as creepy as that guy on the subway with no concept of personal space.

Instances to Use SMS Marketing:

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9954 Visitors in just 7 Days. How one piece of EPIC Content transformed our site traffic

Back in March, we were having a problem with our Site’s Traffic numbers. They just weren’t growing as fast we wanted. This is a typical problem faced by most business owners or site admins and one that’s widely covered online. For reference, a quick search on Google on how to boost your site’s traffic will give you over 4.100,000 results. 4 Million search results (!) with no way to know which ones actually work and which ones are going to end up a colossal waste of time and money.

Since we knew that we had to do something really drastic to kick it up a notch (and without breaking the bank in the process),  we didn’t rely on the traditional approach of advertising or waiting for traditional SEO to take effect.

We decided to turn to Content, but with a twist. And to keep things interesting, threw ourselves a challenge to get 5,000 unique visitors to the piece of content we develop and to get that number within 7 days of it’s publishing. The content asset we created was truly something  special and after the 7 day deadline was up, we found that we had not only met our own target but exceeded it twice over with lots of good links to boot! Most amazing of all, the content asset became an evergreen one and continues to send amazing traffic and links our way.

Content Marketing Strategy - Most Asked Questions 5

Source: Mondovolytics

Here’s the inside scoop of what we did and how we can help you do the same for your own website.

Challenge #1: The Idea

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11 Ways to Amplify & Promote your Content

Content Promotion starts much before you publish a piece of content. There are few things you should consider doing before publishing your content and after publishing your content.

Here is a summary of the points mentioned in the video:

Pre-publishing Phase

Step 1 – Influencer Grooming
Try to attract the attention of potential experts or influencers in the topic that you are writing about.
– Ego Bait
– Asking for Opinion
– Collaboration

Step 2- Keyword Optimization
Do Keyword Research and identify your potential target term

Post – Publishing Phase

Step 3 – Internal Linking
Make sure that you appropriately link to the newly published content piece from other pages within your site

Step 4 – Outreach
Reach out to the influencers you’ve identified in step 1 notifying them about the post. Alternatively, try to build some links back to by offering to guest post on other authoritative blogs.

Step 5 – Newsletter
Leverage your captive audience by sending out a newsletter to them updating them about the newly published piece of content.

Step 6 – Social Channels
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Understanding the Buyer’s Journey in B2B Marketing: The Key to Creating Great Content

The presence of content marketing in the daily life of a consumer has increased drastically in recent years. In fact, 76% of B2C marketers and 88% of B2B marketers implement content strategy into their marketing mix, according to the Content Marketing Institute. However, while many businesses are making use of content marketing, it does not necessarily mean that they are successful at it.

In order to implement an effective content marketing campaign that amplifies your content, it is essential that you create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey. A buyer goes through 3 different stages (awareness, consideration, and decision) before making a purchase. By tailoring your content to potential buyers in each stage of the journey, you are more likely to turn leads for your business into repeat customers.

What is Content Marketing Really About?

In its simplest form, content marketing is the creation and distribution of content. However, it’s really much more than that. In order for content to truly do its job (i.e. “drive profitable customer action”), it needs to be relevant to the buyer that it is intended for. Essentially, a successful content marketing campaign is one that provides value to a specific target.

So how do you make sure your content is relevant for your target audience? Enter the three stages of the buyer’s journey!

The Awareness Stage

When potential buyers are in the awareness stage, they have just identified an issue or need. In order to engage with buyers in this first stage, your content should bring awareness to a specific problem before aligning this problem with various business-specific issues.

To help the customers better understand this issue or need, it’s important to stick to contentthat is educational and can provide further insight. This is not the time to introduce your product – that comes later. For now, the best way to provide value to buyers in the awareness stage is by demonstrating your knowledge on what their pain points are.

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