For the sake of argument, let’s assume that right now, things couldn’t be going better. You’ve managed to find Mondovo amidst a sea of less attractive alternatives and now you’re bursting at the seams to get started. So off you go, full of the enthusiasm and glee that only exploring a new software can provide (if you’re a techno buff like most of us here, you’d relate).
Cut to a few minutes later and your reports are ready to be analyzed (the industry’s favorite term). Only one small problem, being new to the tool, you’re still slightly unfamiliar with the data layout and how to get the most out of the report as quickly as possible.
Here’s your answer. Highlighted below are the key sections that you should look at under each report. The other micro-details can be looked when you have more time.
Rankings Monitor:
All of our tool sets in Mondovo have a ‘Summary’ option so that you can quickly get the gist of whatever the report contains. For the Ranking Monitor Tool, be sure to check the ‘Top 3 Keyword gains and losses’ in addition to the ranking movements under ‘Quick Summary’

Scrolling down a bit, you would find the meat of the report, handily categorized under 4 main tabs i.e. data on ‘Your Website’, ‘You vs Your Competitors’, ‘Full Search Results’ & ‘Competitor Ranking Pages’. We would recommend starting Read More