When it comes to video marketing and social media, one of the most common complaints I see brought up – by content creators and businesses alike – is the issue of underperforming content.
In many instances, it has more to do with unrealistic expectations than anything else. Like people expecting 10.000 followers after putting out consistent video content for only two months.
But more often than not, it’s due one or two critical failures in their production process that ends up working against them and undoing the hard work they’ve put into creating said quality videos in the first place.
For example, you can make an excellent animated explainer video, but if it’s based around an utterly unappealing subject to your audience, nobody will click on it. Or you can be funny, and charming in your Instagram live videos, but if you fail to promote them, it’s unlikely that people will show up.
Being aware of these issues and their respective fixes are the initial step in growing any social video marketing strategy that has already figured out the bulk of the production process and is only in need of refining a few of the kinks that come from not readily evident sources.
To help you with that, I wanted to share with you five easy fixes that will undoubtedly help boost engagement on any social marketing videos you are putting out.
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