How to Boost Your Content Marketing Campaign With Videos

Brain Process

What strategies are you using to boost video marketing campaign? Is video part of your digital marketing tactics for 2019? I know you are interested in learning the best video content marketing tips that will help you grow your business. In fact, that is why you are reading this post in the first place.

So ensure to read the entire. Thus, before we go any further, let us find out why you really need to use video content I’m your marketing techniques.

Why use Video Content Marketing?

The benefits of video content in your digital marketing plan are enormous as recent expert surveys indicated. Some of the benefits of using video include:

  • Higher engagement rate
  • Reach a new audience
  • Strong emotional connections
  • Boost search engine optimization (SEO) and Google search rankings
  • Help retain customers
  • Etc.

For example, a study shows that visual content is a remarkable marketing tool for sharing information. Why?

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The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Social Media Marketing

social media

Every other day we come across a new trend that has been made viral through multiple social media platforms. Sophisticated algorithms are designed for these platforms that dig deep and can get in-depth analysis of changing trends.

Smart bots that execute through machine learning algorithms on social media platforms can track and analyze real-time trends and transform the raw data into perceptible information.

It is believed that AI machines are replacing jobs of humans and these machines are often misinterpreted as robots, though the robots are actually controlled through AI mechanism. The truth is that AI devices are creating more opportunities by introducing more challenging positions, now people are needed to get more smart and sharper than they were used to be.

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5 Digital Marketing Tips for SMEs on a Budget

Digital Marketing

If you’re an SME, you’re probably working to a tight budget and wondering how you can justify spending that much money on digital marketing to your accountants. You don’t want to spend much, you want value for your money, and you want things to work.

Unfortunately, when the money is running low, marketing is one of the first things to go.

But this shouldn’t be the case — digital marketing is a crucial part of your business strategy, and it’s how you’re going to boost your brand, reach new clients, and retain your current ones.

Luckily, there are plenty of digital marketing techniques that don’t cost the earth and have a high ROI. And the great news? You can do many of these on your own without having to outsource to an expensive agency or download premium software.

Here are some of our easy tips for digital marketing on a budget for your SME.

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8 Advanced Blog Formatting Tips that can Foster Higher Conversion Rates in 2019

Blog Formatting

According to a content marketing infographic and report brought out by, on average, firms with informative blogs are likely to produce 67% more leads every month than those without it. If we are to consider the statistic, blogging, undeniably is one of the most effective tools that can be implemented by a company to foster maximum conversions, resulting in achieving the coveted Return on Investment.

However, blogging is no child’s play. The reason is,  it requires an individual to meet numerous essential aspects in order to ensure perfection and technical flawlessness. Now that it’s been a while you have been struggling to frame a perfect design and format for your blogs, here’s something for you to figure out. When monetization is a concern, you cannot afford to overlook the importance of leveraging the following blog formatting tips.

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Re-Thinking Digital Marketing by Automating your Analytics

Digital Marketing

In early 2018, headlines were dominated by the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The general gist of the scandal was that a data collection firm had improperly obtained Facebook information to build voter profiles.  

The scandal further suggested that those voter profiles were used to create fake news stories in order to persuade voters in one direction or another. While the way in which the information was used may have been abominable, the truth is the information Cambridge Analytica obtained was not necessarily particularly private or sensitive.  

It was information that voters themselves shared about themselves to family friends and a select segment of the general public. In essence, all Cambridge Analytica did was figure out their preconceived notions and deeply held political beliefs and create news stories they were already predisposed to believing and therefore did not question.  

While once again, this is a heinous use of technology, the truth is, it also offers a tantalizing glimpse into the future of marketing. Here are three lessons to learn from the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Read More

Digital PR: What You’re Missing Out On & How to Fix It

Digital PR

PR is a communication strategy that builds a brand’s positive reputation with the public. Traditional PR involves building relationships with journalists and various media outlets to receive brand exposure. This tactic translates to digital PR, but the digital landscape also affords brands other ways to build their public presence outside of such relationships.

Digital PR encompasses SEO-related activities like link-building, which itself involves a number of different tactics. However, there’s more to the strategy than that. A common term in content marketing is “storytelling,” and this concept can be applied to digital PR as well. Your goals are to shape your audience’s understanding of who your brand is, what you have to offer, build positive relationships, boost website traffic, improve search rankings, and ultimately increase sales.

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10 Link Building Tips That Can Make or Break Your Outreach Efforts

Link Building

Learning new ways to improve your search engine ranking can be ecstatic, exciting and promising at first glance, but taking a crack at it will tell you it is not as easy as it seems. And such is the case with link building through blogger outreach as an SEO tool.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a very important aspect of online marketing ever since the internet became a “thing” and search engines – especially Google – launched to make the Internet easier and more efficient to use. Utilizing several SEO tools has become an integral part of online marketing as your search engine ranking is directly proportional to the traffic your site gets.  

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5 Email Marketing Predictions for 2019

Digital Marketing

There’s no doubt that times are changing in digital marketing. The video is more popular than ever before, augmented reality will soon be integrated with social media, and predictive algorithms are making it easier for businesses to optimize their marketing budgets. 

But one thing remains the same: Email marketing continues to be the best way for businesses to reach their customers. In fact, 90% of emails reach the right person’s inbox, making it 5x more likely that a company’s email will reach their lead or customer through email than via Facebook. 

While email is still the most reliable way for businesses to engage with their customers, there are still a number of changes underway. Brands that keep up with these changes will be prepared to utilize email as effectively as possible.  

Here are 5 of the top email predictions for 2019: 

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5 Engaging Types of Video Content that People Love to Watch

Video Content

People love Internet videos – it’s gotten to the point where a full 85% of people in the United States watch videos online at least a few times during the average week. Videos are naturally compelling and engaging and, thanks to the use of relevant visuals, are an opportunity to convey even complicated topics in the most simplistic way possible – all of which are major reasons why people can’t get enough of them.

But using video content is less important than the type of content you use.  Different formats bring their own unique advantages to the table, and by varying up your content you stand the best chance at really resonating with your target audience. If you really want to increase engagement, improve conversion rates and increase social shares, there are a few key types you need to be aware of. Websites offering free stock footage can be helpful to create video content. 

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How Social Media Harms Your Mental Health

The Internet has given us something extraordinary. With a touch of the button, we can get any information. We have all the answers to the questions that we may have. Also, the Internet has made a revolution regarding communication and especially our approach to communication. Now we can communicate with anyone through voice or video.

Even, we can already know about the friends we have not seen for years. All this is made possible by social networks, which are becoming more and more important in our lives. While social networks have facilitated our lives regarding access to information, communication, building friendships, it seems that social networks are threatening our mental health.

Moreover, it seems that this problem is becoming more and more popular for our mental health every day and that people are not yet aware of the consequences that social networks can bring.

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