The Secret Marketing Weapon: White-Label Development for Agencies

Nowadays, agencies are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their offerings and stand out from the crowd. White-label web development emerges as a powerful solution that allows agencies to provide specialized services without the need to develop these capabilities in-house. By partnering with white-label developers, agencies can offer high-quality, customized web solutions under their own brand name. This post will delve into the concept of white-label web development, its importance in a competitive market, and the myriad benefits it offers to agencies looking to expand their service portfolio and boost client satisfaction.

What is White-Label Web Development?

In the following sections, we will explore the definition of white-label services, describe the advantages of white-label development for agencies, and provide examples of how it is applied.

Definition of White-Label Services

White-label services are solutions created by one company that other companies rebrand and offer as their own. This arrangement allows businesses to expand their product or service offerings without the need to develop new capabilities internally. The focus of white-label services is to provide seamless integration, enabling the end customer to perceive the offerings as part of a single, unified brand.

General Examples of White-Label Services

In the realm of marketing, white-label services can include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, and social media management. A digital marketing agency may partner with a white-label SEO provider to offer comprehensive search engine optimization services under their brand, enhancing their service portfolio without the need to hire in-house experts.

Additionally, customer support services can also benefit from white-label arrangements. An agency could utilize a white-label helpdesk solution, offering robust customer service support while maintaining their branding. This flexibility and breadth of applications highlight the adaptability and utility of white-label services across different sectors.

Through these examples, it’s clear that white-label services enable businesses to enhance their market presence and deliver comprehensive solutions without the associated development costs and time.

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6 Essential Elements to Create a Credible Website for Your Business

Building a website is one of the most crucial strategies for establishing a successful business. A good website can help various businesses like restaurants, barber shops, and design agencies boost credibility.

With a website, your business can target a global audience, attract prospective customers, and stand out from the competition. It also helps you build a strong brand reputation and enhance your online presence, so people will see your business as a trustworthy entity.

There are many types of business websites, including eCommerce, landing pages, and portfolio sites. Although each has different characteristics, they share a few essential factors in common that make them good business websites. This article will cover six key elements for creating a credible website for your business. You could also check out this guide on how to create a website from scratch.

1. Domain Name and Web Hosting

Every successful website owner should start their journey by choosing a memorable domain name and a reliable web hosting company. The process can be challenging, so here are some best practices for setting up the foundations of your business site.

Choosing a Great Domain Name

A domain name is the website address that enables internet users to find and access a site online. For business owners, a strong domain name can add credibility and help build brand recognition.

When creating a domain name, ensure that it is memorable by keeping it at a maximum of two words. A concise domain will make it easier for visitors to spell and type.

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How To Make Your WordPress Site Compliant With Accessibility Regulations

Everyone deserves the right to navigate the internet, unrestrained by poor design choices, bad layouts, or inaccessible sites. In a world where over one billion people live with some form of disability, with this figure increasing every day, it’s time we all stopped to think about internet accessibility.

Web accessibility is about creating equal access online, allowing all users to navigate all the sites they want. While leaps have been taken in the past several years, with WordPress having a wide range of accessibility support pages, the uptake still isn’t moving fast enough.

In this article, we’ll discuss exactly why you should incorporate accessibility into your WordPress site, as well as demonstrate three easy ways of doing so. By the end of this, you’ll be an expert in digital accessibility regulations.

What Are Online Accessibility Standards?

Otherwise, known as WCAG, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are currently the global standard when it comes to creating an accessible website. These standards are created and imposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is made up of an international selection of disability experts.

As suggested on their regulations page, the WCAG has the end goal of “Providing a shared standard for web content accessibility” that aims to “meet the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally”. In short, they’re trying to create a fairer world of internet access for everyone.

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A Simple E-commerce Website Guide to Help You Build Your Online Store

eComerce Website

You are already familiar with the world of e-commerce — at least as a consumer who partakes in shopping on the Internet. Perhaps you are under the impression that creating your own online store is easy and uncomplicated. From your experience, it looks as basic as listing a bunch of products on a website and watching the money flow into your bank account. If you are looking to open a new bank account Check out WECU here!

The truth is somewhat more complex: a great deal of thought and work goes (or at least should go) into every aspect of an online store. It may not seem this way when you are shopping online. That is only because the most popular e-commerce websites do it so well that you cannot tell without some deeper examination, but if you’re planing to sell in stores like Amazon, you can use this Jungle Scout Discount Code to find great resources for this.

This thoughtful and strategic approach is required if you truly want such an enterprise to be successful.

Despite this, the technology and tools needed to operate a store are more accessible than ever before. Your e-commerce venture idea has the potential to be highly lucrative and even personally fulfilling. You just need to take the time to learn how to properly implement and optimize these resources.

This starts by understanding the techniques and features of successful e-commerce websites. To that end, we now offer the chance to peek behind the scenes and learn about common and crucial business practices on the internet. You can also look for a sitecore development and consulting company for better guidance and assistance.

Here is a simple e-commerce website guide to help you build your online store.

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How to Redesign a Website Without Losing Search Rank

Website Redesign

These days, every business requires a well-designed website in order to operate in the online world. Websites have become a crucial factor for businesses, mainly because they’re the main point of interaction between companies and consumers, as well as the main point of sale. That’s why the majority of website owners strive towards making their website as visible as possible online.

One of the best ways to achieve that is to engage in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By ranking well on search engines, such as Google, your website isn’t just more visible but also favors increased awareness, credibility, and exposure, among other things. However, every web owner knows that sooner or later you’ll have to redesign your website. to get more help, hire this web design service in Singapore.

Websites evolve alongside modern technology and market trends, which means they’ll need a new look or improved functionality. But if you spent time and resources engaging in SEO to improve your rankings, wouldn’t a website redesign ruin all that you’ve worked for? Fortunately, that’s not the case and you can redesign your website without having to start over with building your rankings. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can redesign your website without losing your search rank in the process.

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5 UI/UX Principles to Follow for Creating a Great Website in 2019

UI/UX Principles 2019

2019 brings new scope to flourish your business by adding creative ideas to your website. Designing a and building a new website for your business is the ultimate form of brand identity. It says who you are, what you sell and what you stand for as a business. Make the designing and building of your new website a stress free and an enjoyable experience from day one and so on, you may check out this website designers in Geelong here to know how!

It’s difficult to bang on your website design within an hour or day, it takes longer. The days of traditional design are gone in which you design your sites with the company about us and a few images to engage as many customers. Today sites and apps are zestful and interactive. When looking to create a beautiful looking design for your website, you may check out this fresno website design company here for more info!

As a user, we spend more than half of the time to read online financial investment strategy, news, navigating the website and using web apps. But our experience online is not the greatest that we could have. And the reason behind this is poor design or inappropriate layouts that didn’t understand the user’s interest. The business needs to add more valuable aspects to hold user on your site for longer.

As designers, it’s our first priority to design a site with the best user experience. And it’s a little difficult but not impossible to perform.

Here are some best UI/UX principles, we put together to follow for creating a great and effective website in 2019.

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UX Based SEO: The Importance of Research & Analytics in Creating User-Focused Web Design


Anyone who manages a website understands that visibility on search engines is a vital way to drive free (organic) traffic to their site. However, the algorithms that determine the ranking factors are ever evolving and are a bit of an educated guessing game. 

As Google’s (and the other search engines’) success is judged based on the relevance and quality of the results they return, they want to ensure they are meeting the expectations of their users to make sure they remain the ‘go-to’ gateway for accessing websites on the internet. 

It’s for this reason that User Experience (UX) and SEO go hand-in-hand. By providing an engaging and relevant online experience to your users it means they will spend more time on your site, which in turn sends important signals to the search engines on how well to rank the site.

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Takeaways From Google Quality Rating Guidelines That Affect Your Website

Google Quality Rating

Google is king of the Internet search and that’s an undeniable fact. It channels a staggering 89% of all search engine traffic in the world. This means that if you want your website to be found on Google, you play by Google rules.

Building a website is much more than merely slapping together a few web pages and calling it a day’s work done. There are so many details you need to consider, from choosing the best web hosting available all the way to working on your SEO for search ranking.

The problem is that there are literally thousands of websites on the Internet claiming to be able to teach you how to do so. Some are legit, some might be halfway, and some might be outright scams. To work around this issue, let’s talk about Google’s Quality Rating Guideline.

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How to Increase Conversions with the Perfect Landing Page

A potential buyer has clicked one of your ads and is now being directed to your website. You have successfully hooked them- now in order to keep their attention, you must have an even more captivating landing page that encourages them to stay and click-around awhile. Since your company’s landing page is in many cases a person’s first impression of your business, take some simple steps to ensure it is making a good one.

A compelling landing page will convert that initial curiosity into a desire to learn more about your product or service into higher conversion rates on your website.

Here are some tips to help make your landing page perfect!

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[Infographic] 15 Fascinating Website & UX Stats for 2018

Whether you just enjoy finding out about website stats, or you have a vested commercial interest, this infographic 15 Website and UX Statistics of 2018 will provide you with some ideas and considerations. One of the big stats that might surprise you is that 75% of people base credibility by a website. So when people are doing their online research about companies they may want to buy from, they will be significantly swayed by a website that they consider to be professional.  

Other factors to think about include that 59% of people prefer a beautifully designed website. This means that if you are thinking about setting up a website, the attractiveness of your website should be a big priority. Using poor quality images and unattractive colours might be having more impact than you think, so it might be worth getting the experts to help out with your colour schemes and visuals.  

In terms of a website’s ability to convert visitors into customers, having an effective call-to-action is vital. So it is fairly worrying to see that 70% of small businesses miss call-to-actions, leaving them with a lower chance of getting customers to contact them. CTAs are easy to add to websites and are very powerful, so if you do have a business website, make sure that your CTAs are clear and encourage website visitors to contact your business.  

The infographic also shows that a whopping 94% of people won’t trust an outdated website. Trust is so important in building up your customer base, so taking the time to update your website’s content is always time well spent. If you have contact numbers or information that is no longer relevant, then visitors will wonder whether your business is able to provide a professional service.

Website & UX Stats for 2018

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